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What is a life well lived?Lives Well Lived is a feature documentary film by Sky Bergman that celebrates the incredible wit and wisdom of adults 75 to 100 years old who are living their lives to the fullest. Encompassing over 3000 years of experience, forty people share their secrets and insights to living a meaningful life. Their intimate memories and inspiring personal histories will make you laugh, perhaps cry, but mostly inspire you.
Because Older Americans Month is the perfect time to combat ageist stereotypes, Age Friendly Teaneck, the Teaneck Public Library, and the FORUM at Teaneck High School are celebrating by offering a free virtual screening of Lives Well Lived: Celebrating the Secrets, Wit and Wisdom of Age, with a Q&A with filmmaker Sky Bergman on Sunday, May 23 at 4:30 p.m.
If you’re looking to be inspired about what lies ahead, watch this film. And watch it with someone from a younger generation – there’s wisdom aplenty here for all. Viewers will be able to see the film any time at their convenience between May 18 and May 25. Or, they can join the sponsors in viewing the film on May 23 at 3 p.m. prior to the Q&A at 4:30 p.m. To register for the screening, go to To register for the Q&A, go to: Too often, portrayals of older adults in the media, in films or on TV either show people who are frail, addled or foolish; or are super-strong and courageous in feats like skydiving or marathon running. But the truth is far more complex and moving. Filmmaker Bergman has observed that although her interviewees “may have seen the worst of humanity, their outlook is still optimistic. Their stories are about perseverance, the human spirit and staying positive in the midst of the great challenges.” Bergman interviewed some 40 elders, ranging in age from their early ‘70s to their late ‘90s, about their lives, about how they define a life well lived and about any advice they might have for younger people. We hope you can join us. Please feel free to contact me with any questions about this upcoming event. In the process, she has also recorded their vivid and personal recollections of modern history’s major events and movements. Among them: World War II abroad and in the U.S., the Holocaust, the internment camps in the U.S. for Japanese-Americans; the civil rights movement; and women’s rights. It’s an invaluable history lesson. The “stars” of the film are Caucasian, African-American, Asian and Hispanic and they are, among other things, artists, a yoga instructor, physicians and photographers. Bergman began her inquiry by filming her then-99-year-old Italian grandmother working out at the gym. And she asked if her grandmother could offer some words of wisdom. Her grandmother, Bergman said, “was my guide for how to gracefully move through life and how to age with dignity, strength and humor. I began a quest to search out other people, who like my grandmother were living life to the limits.” Age Friendly Teaneck is a community-wide project whose mission is to ensure that residents of Teaneck can age-in-place in their homes and community with dignity and independence. |