Working with Township to establish a robust Mayors Wellness Campaign
Partnering with local providers on health and resource fairs
Identifying ways for young people to volunteer with or alongside older adults, and for older adults to volunteer in the community
Ensuring access to physical and mental health services
Expanding home based services and supports including primary care, nutrition, preventative, home health and chore services
Promoting volunteer and employment opportunities that allow older adults to remain engaged and contribute to their community
Providing access to cultural, fitness, intergenerational and recreational programs
Identifying isolated older adults in need of services to provide resource information and referral
Promoting intergenerational activity through schools, library, faith-based organizations, and recreation department
Partnering with local providers on health and resource fairs
Identifying ways for young people to volunteer with or alongside older adults, and for older adults to volunteer in the community
Ensuring access to physical and mental health services
Expanding home based services and supports including primary care, nutrition, preventative, home health and chore services
Promoting volunteer and employment opportunities that allow older adults to remain engaged and contribute to their community
Providing access to cultural, fitness, intergenerational and recreational programs
Identifying isolated older adults in need of services to provide resource information and referral
Promoting intergenerational activity through schools, library, faith-based organizations, and recreation department